You Can Now Reserve Your Character Names for WoW Classic

WoW Classic is launching in a few days on August 26, 2019, and Blizzard has officially opened character name reservations for the game’s launch.

Starting today, those with an active subscription or game time on their World of Warcraft account will be able to create up to three characters per account on their chosen WoW Classic server/realm.

There are a few guidelines to the character name reservation though. Those who choose a PvP realm will only be able to create characters in the same faction (Alliance or Horde). Characters created during the WoW Classic beta or stress tests will also no longer be available at launch.

Additionally, once WoW Classic launches, players will be able to create up to 10 characters on any realm and up to 50 characters across all of the WoW Classic realms. This will be a separate character count limit from the standard World of Warcraft realms.

More information on WoW Classic and character name reservations can be found on the official website. WoW Classic is set to launch on August 26, 2019, with realms in North America, Europe, and Oceania. You can check out the trailer for WoW Classic below:

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