Tokyo Game Show 2018: New Devil May Cry 5 Trailer Shows Gameplay, Reveals New Character

Capcom has released a new trailer for Devil May Cry 5 that shows off some gameplay of Dante and Nero. The trailer also revealed the return of both Trish and Lady as well as introduced the game’s third playable character, named V.

The gameplay trailer shows Dante wielding some of his iconic weapons, including his sword Rebellion as well as his handguns Ebony and Ivory. He’s also seen showing off his Devil Trigger transformation as well as new motorcycle that splits into a pair of weapons. Nero is also shown using his signature Devil Breaker weapon and its different abilities.

Apart from the new trailer, Capcom also announced some bonus Devil Breakers that players will unlock with the game’s Deluxe Edition. The exclusive Devil Breakers include a “Mega Buster”, from the Mega Man series, another called the “Gerbera GP-01”, one called “Sweet Surrender”, and a “Pasta Breaker” arm. You can check out the Mega Buster arm in the trailer below:

Devil May Cry 5 is scheduled for released on March 8, 2018, for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. You can check out the new trailer from TGS 2018 above.

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