Tales of Arise, the latest installment in the long-running Tales franchise, has sold over 1 million units worldwide only a few days after its official release last September 10, 2021. The impressive milestone has also led to the entire Tales franchise to reach 25 million units sold worldwide.
“We are very proud and humbled to see fans and newcomers reception playing Tales of Arise,” said Yusuke Tomizawa, Producer on Tales of Arise, BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. “Our goal with this title was to open the franchise to as many players as possible while maintaining the Tales of DNA and uniqueness that has allowed the franchise to stay strong for more than 25 years. We would like to thank players for their support.”
Apart from being the latest title in the series, Tales of Arise is also the 25th anniversary title of the franchise and is the first game in the Tales series to be developed on Unreal Engine 4. The game was also developed by a team of both veterans and newcomers, including character designer and art director Minoru Iwamoto who previously worked on both Tales of Zestiria and Tales of Berseria as well as made the art seen above celebrating the game’s latest milestone.
Tales of Arise is currently available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S and PC.