Metal Slug: Awakening is Launching in the Philippines Soon

Metal Slug: Awakening, the latest iteration of the classic arcade game from SNK, is launching in the Philippines and several other countries in the region soon, including Taiwan, Hongkong and Macau, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia.

The new mobile version of the run and gun, platformer game maintains the classic gameplay of the original Metal Slug games but receives a comprehensive upgrade in its visuals, featuring 3D graphics instead of the classic pixel art. It also comes with several new features, such as a new roguelike “Hot Pursuit” mode, the new “The Maze” challenge, as well as new combat features.

Metal Slug: Awakening Soft Launch

The franchise’s iconic characters (Marco, Tarma, Fio, Eri, Hyakutaro Ichimonji), vehicles (Super-vehicle 001, camels, gatlings), and weapons also make a return in the new game.

Metal Slug: Awakening Soft Launch

Metal Slug: Awakening recently began its soft launch in the region, although access to it has been limited to those who were able to register. However, a full launch can be expected soon. Metal Slug: Awakening is being developed by TiMi Studios and published by VNG Games in the region.

Metal Slug: Awakening is scheduled to be available on iOS and Android.

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