Blizzard’s Heroes of the Storm Beta Signups Go Live, Trio of Videos Released

Beta Signups for Blizzard’s “team brawler” game Heroes of the Storm are now live on the game’s official website Blizzard has announced during the opening ceremony at Blizzcon.

Dustin Browder, the game’s director, introduced the game with a cinematic trailer, a short gameplay trailer and a developer video. Browder said, “Heroes of the Storm is Blizzard the Game… We’ve got to challenge this genre and show you what it can become.”

Heroes of the Storm’s battles will take place on “battlegrounds” which will have different elements and objectives that will shape how the game courses on. The game’s website gives the following example, “One battleground features a ghostly pirate ship, whose captain will accept payment of gold doubloons in order to train his ship’s cannons on enemy positions.”

The game will also allow a large amount of customization including  heroic abilities, combat styles, skins, and even mounts.

You can sign up for the beta at the official Heroes of the Storm website and you can view the videos shown during the presentation below:

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