AMD has officially launched its new Athlon 240GE and 220GE budget dual-core, quad-thread processors. The two new chips, which now join the Athlon 200GE, feature Radeon Vega graphics and are built on AMD’s Zen architecture and AM4 platform.
All three of the now-released Athlon 200GE-series chips feature two cores and four threads and differ mainly in processor frequency. The 240GE features a base clock of 3.5GHz, the 220GE, at 3.4GHz, and the 200GE at 3.2GHz. The Radeon Vega 3 GPU in the new chips feature three graphics cores with a base clock of 1000MHz that support both DisplayPort and HDMI. The chips also support dual channel memory up to 2667MHz. Lastly, all three the processors have a TDP of 32W as well as total L1 cache of 192KB, an L2 cache of 1MB, and L3 cache of 4MB.
The AMD Athlon 240GE and 220GE are now available for USD 75 and USD 65, respectively, with the previously released 200GE priced at USD 55.